To add a Facebook account safely to FoxMaster Suite, follow the following steps.

  1. Enable Two-factor authentication for the Facebook account(s) you want to add to FoxMaster.
  2. Obtain the Two-factor secret key from step 1.
  3. Save the Two-factor secret key in a safe location on your device. We recommend using a Password manager such as the KeePass application (optional). Alternatively, you can just use the Google Authentication app.
  4. Login using FoxMaster Suite.

1. Enabling Two-factor authentication for your Facebook account(s):

1. Navigate to the Facebook Accounts Center and click “Password and Security

2. Click the Two-factor authentication option and select an account.

3. From the Two-factor authentication page, select “Authentication app” and click Next

4. Copy the Two-factor key and save it in a safe place. You may scan the QR code with the Google Authenticator app.

5. Open the 2FA tool: and enter the 2FA Secret key to get an OTP code.

6. Enter the OTP code from step 5, and paste it into Facebook to continue.

2. Adding a 2FA Enabled Facebook account to the FoxMaster Suite application:

  1. Open the Accounts Manager tool in FoxMaster Suite and click Add Account
  2. Enter your Facebook Username & Password and adjust other settings if needed.
  3. Click Authorize and wait few seconds
  4. Enter the 2FA Secret key or the 2FA six digits code from

3. Bulk Facebook Account Import with 2FA Secret Key:

You can import a list of accounts that has 2FA enabled using the Bulk import tool in FoxMaster Suite.

  1. Put your accounts in a text file separated by a new line with the format: EMAIL_OR_USERNAME_OR_ID:PASSWORD:2FA_SECRET_KEY
  2. Click Import File to start adding your accounts.

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