Post templates can be created from “Posts Manager” tool, after creating a post, it can be used in other tools such as “Post Publisher“.

To create a new post template, Open Posts Manager tool from FoxMaster main screen.

Creating a new post group

Posts templates are organized into a groups, you will need to create a new group by clicking on “Add Group” from top menu, enter the group name and hit Save.

Posts Manager – Create a new Category

Creating a new post template

  1. Click on the newly created category then click on “New Post” from top menu.
  2. Select post type from “Post Information” Section
  3. Tab into the selected post type from post type tabs to enter the post info
  4. (Optional) Attach text to the post from “Message (General) tab
  5. Enter a name for the post template in “Post Title” field and hit Save changes.

At this point, the post template now is saved and you can now publish it to Facebook using Post Publisher tool!

Posts Manager – Creating a new post template

Using Dynamic Variables

Dynamic variables will be replaced with actual value at publish time. For example the variable “#datetime#” will be replaced with the current date and time.

Posts Manager – Dynamic Variables

To use a dynamic variable, insert the variable name into the desired location in the post text.

Posts Manager – Using Dynamic Variables

Using Spintax

Spintax is a collection of words or phrases. Each word/phrase is delimited by | (pipe) character. The Spintax begins with an opening curly bracket { and ends with a closing curly bracket }. A random word/phrase is chosen from each delimited section of the text.

Example: { Her | My | His } favorite color is { Red | Blue | Green | Yellow } With this Spintax we can get the following results:

  1. His favorite color is Yellow
  2. My favorite color is Red
  3. His favorite color is Red
  4. Her favorite color is Green
  5. His favorite color is Blue
  6. My favorite color is Green
  7. Her favorite color is Red
  8. Her favorite color is Blue
  9. My favorite color is Blue
  10. Her favorite color is Yellow
  11. His favorite color is Green

From just one line of spintaax it generates 11 different sentences.

Using Dynamic variables within a spinax is possible. Example { #datetime# | #time# }